[Virtual #KWELI22 Conference]

1. Key Conference Deadline:

- Early Bird Registration Closes (last day to register): Tuesday Feb. 15, 3AM EST / 12AM PST
- General Registration Opens: Tuesday, Feb. 15, 9pm EST
- General Registration Closes: Monday, March 7, 11:59pm EST
- Scholarship Application Portal Opens: Tuesday, Feb. 15, 1pm EST
- Scholarship Application Portal Closes: Tuesday, Feb. 22 EST
- Submissions for Manuscripts & Portfolio Critiques DUE: Monday, Feb. 28 [submit here]

2. Can I invite a guest?

Each conference registration covers the registered attendee only. Invite your friends, colleagues, and loved ones to register at the link here.

I’m unable to attend on Saturday. Is it possible to register for a Friday master class?  

NO, you must register for the Saturday conference in order to attend a Friday master class. 

4. When will the pre-conference events & roundtables take place?

Kweli will hold its ROUNDTABLE sessions during the weeks leading up to the official conference. If you are interested in attending any of these sessions, you must make your selection in advance on the registration form. You will only be able to attend ONE Roundtable and will be notified about the date and time of your roundtable session via email.

*More information about Kweli’s pre-conference events coming soon.

5. Are scholarships available for the conference?

YES, Kweli has limited scholarships for EDUCATORS AND LIBRARIANS. We will be prioritizing un-agented BIPOC writers who 1) have NOT yet contracted to publish a book for children or teens; and 2) have yet to attend the Kweli Color of Children's Literature Conference.

If you are interested in a scholarship, you must complete an application form and submit a statement of financial need, a short essay explaining your interest in attending the conference, and a writing or illustration sample. The scholarship portal will open Tuesday February 15th at 1pm and close Tuesday February 22nd at 1pm. WE WILL NOT BE ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS BEYOND THIS DATE.

6. Who is eligible to submit a manuscript or portfolio for critique?

Only those who have 1) registered for the conference AND 2) paid the $45 fee for the manuscript critique. We will cross check the names of writers or artists who have paid for the critique or portfolio review before accepting your submissions and sharing materials with editors and agents.

Please note that due to current logistical limitations this year, we will not be accepting any revised registration requests. Be sure to sign up for the critique when you register for the conference!

7. What is the deadline for the manuscript or portfolio critique and what are the submission guidelines?

The deadline for submission of your manuscript or portfolio pieces is February 28th, 11:59pm (i.e., 5 - 10 pages ONLY in standard manuscript format). Please include a synopsis if you are submitting an excerpt from a middle grade or young adult novel. You will receive instructions on how to submit your manuscript after registering. WE WILL NOT BE ACCEPTING ANY SUBMISSIONS AFTER THIS DEADLINE.

Please prepare your submissions based on our standard manuscript submission formatting guidelines.

Submit here.

8. Where do I submit my manuscript or portfolio?

Please submit your manuscript or portfolio pieces here.

9. What is the difference between the Manuscript Critique and the First Pages Clinic? Can I submit material for both?

During a Manuscript Critique, you will receive constructive feedback on your manuscript submission by a participating editor. The editor will assign a convenient day and time for the critique. The editor will discuss the strengths of your manuscript, as well as areas that might need improvement, including but not limited to character development, plot / structure and voice.

The First Pages Clinic is a panel event that will take place during the conference on Saturday, March 26th. During the First Pages Clinic, editors will provide direct feedback on the first 250 words of a submission. If writers have submitted manuscripts for critique, we will select 250 words from select manuscripts and use them in First Pages. We will gain permission from the writers in advance before sharing their work.

First Pages is only open to those who submit a manuscript for critique.

10. What is the difference between the Portfolio Critique and the First Look Clinic?

Portfolio Critique is a formal process of reviewing artwork, one-on-one with a publishing professional. 

First Look Clinic is our largely “illustrative” version of First Pages. It is a panel event that will take place during the conference on Saturday, March 26th. A distinguished panel of editors, authors and illustrators will look at illustrations & snippets of text for picture books and graphic novels, and offer advice on improving and publishing your work. Attendees must have submitted their work ahead of the conference. 

First Look is only open to those who submit a portfolio for critique.

11. What should I expect with the manuscript critique?

The editor or agent we have paired you with has spent time preparing a thoughtful and carefully considered critique for you. Please listen to the editor or agent closely during the manuscript critique session, without interruption. Once they have finished, you will be able to ask a few questions. Please note that each critique is limited to 12 minutes. Time keepers will assure that the critique sessions start on time and end on time. 

12. What is your cancellation policy?

Cancel by February 21st, 2022 - Your refund amount is the purchase price, minus a non-refundable administrative fee of $75.00 for cancellation.

Cancel by March 11th, 2022 – 50% credit toward a future Kweli event, minus a non-refundable administrative charge of $75.00 for cancellation.

No refunds for cancellations of the conference one-on-one critiques and master classes received after March 11th, 2022.

Please email if you have any questions.