Dawn Davis

From the Belly to the Throat by Melissa R. Sipin

From the Belly to the Throat by Melissa R. Sipin

From the lovely Dawn Davis, I learned an agent’s name who would be interested in my Overseas Filipino Worker (OFW) stories, and when our session was finished, she called me back on stage and said, “I read your first paragraph, Melissa, and I loved it. Make sure you tell XXX that I sent you, and I’d be interested in publishing your manuscript.”

Third Annual KWELI Conference is a Writer’s Gem by Serena W. Lin

Once again, KWELI journal, helmed by Laura Pegram, has pulled off another smashing iteration of its can’t-miss annual writers’ conference!  KWELI doesn’t disappoint. Even after the original venue experienced an electrical failure and shut down hours before the conference, Laura & Co. were able to move the event from Brooklyn to a lovely new venue in Harlem, Poet’s Den Theater at East 108th Street. Truly, the smooth transition in a situation that would ordinarily lead to cancellation is a testament to Laura’s leadership, work, and devotion, in creating a community of readers, editors, and writers that support KWELI.